FIlm Miyabi -Menculik MIyabi

Maria/Miyabi is expected to arrive in Jakarta in mid October to begin shooting "Menculik Miyabi", which is produced by Maxima Pictures, to be directed by Odi Mulya Hidayat, based on a script by blogger-writer Raditya Dika. Maruf further bemoaned that bringing Miyabi to the country would worsen Indonesia's image in the world and make it seem like the nation couldn't produce its own stars. Miyabi, real name Maria Ozawa, is a hugely successful pornographic film star from Hokkaido, and is of mixed Japanese/French-Canadian descent. The Clerics' Council, Majelis Ulama Indonesia , has protested plans to bring Japanese porn star Miyabi to Indonesia to play in the film "Menculik Miyabi". Japanese AV idol Maria Ozawa's plans to work in Indonesia outrage religious leaders.
Keep yourself up to date on Indonesian affairs by subscribing to our RSS feed, or stay informed on Indonesia via your email inbox. One spectator, Riri Ariyanti , said he wanted to watch a movie out of curiosity to kidnap Miyabi Maria Ozawa the famous figure as a young artist who plays in adult films. Menager 21 Cineplex Ambon was declared, when the audience is still a lot, then schedule a movie impressions which also presents Taiwanese television star, Sabrina Pai, and some young artists homeland, as Nicky Tirta, Herfiza Novianti etc., will be extended to one month to front. He revealed, since aired simultaneously in theaters throughout Indonesia on May 6, 2010, the film was besutan Findo Purnowo HW won more than a 1000s movie fans in the city of Ambon.

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