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Dear Rekan2,
Mohon maaf kalau sudah pernah mendapat informasi serupa sebelumnya.
Kenalkan saya Rina, mahasiswi salah satu universitas swasta di Bandung.
Rina pengen berbagi informasi nih buat kita semua, mudah2an bermanfaat.
Barangkali ada dari rekan2 yg sedang butuh dana/income dalam jumlah besar..
Rekan2 bisa baca cara mendapatkannya disini (silakan klik atau copy-paste link berikut ke browser anda):   
Iseng2 rina udah coba, dan hasilnya udah lumayan banget utk ukuran rina (lihat rincian income rina dibawah dan SCAN BUKU TABUNGAN rina terlampir). Jangan lupa lihat juga scan/print buku tabungan member lain di link website diatas (di menu "Kesaksian").
Program ini dijalankan secara online (maya), tapi uang yg dihasilkan betul2 riil. Ada transaksi, ada produk, logis, masuk akal, dan tidak ada satu pihak pun yg dirugikan dalam program ini.. Program ini dijalankan secara LEGAL & HALAL (penjelasan detail harap baca di websitenya, di menu "Legal & Halal")
Websitenya ( ) menjelaskan secara lengkap semua hal tentang program ini sampai sejelas2nya. Mungkin dipahami dulu aja sistem/cara kerja program ini secara keseluruhan di websitenya. Sistemnya tidak rumit, mudah sekali dipahami. Rina yakin, semua uneg2 / pertanyaan2 dari rekan2 pasti akan terjawab jika membaca semua materi yg ada pada setiap menu di website tsb. Pastikan rekan2 tidak mengambil kesimpulan/berkomentar apa2 dulu sebelum betul2 membaca semua materi yg ada pada setiap menu di website, karena program5milyar ini unik, berbeda dg bisnis manapun yg pernah ada.
Rina dulu juga gabung atas ajakan teman yg udah duluan mendaftar. Tadinya sih rina gak mau berpikir muluk2, asal bisa balik modal aja udah cukup, lagian kita kan dapat produk yg nilainya bahkan lebih besar dari yg kita bayarkan. So, nothing to loose.
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Rincian income Rina setelah 8 bulan gabung adalah sbb:
(catatan: semua komisi dibawah ditransfer langsung oleh member baru ke rekening kita)
Rina dapat "member langsung" sebanyak 17 orang (disebut member level-1)
  => komisi yg ditransfer ke rekening Rina = 17 x Rp 50.000 = Rp 850.000
Masing2 member level-1 diatas mendapatkan pula member rata-rata sebanyak 8 orang (disebut member level-2, jumlah = 8 x 17 = 136 orang)
  => komisi yg ditransfer ke rekening Rina = 136 x Rp 10.000 = Rp 1.360.000
Masing2 member level-2 rata2 mendapatkan member 6 orang (disebut member level-3, jumlah = 6 x 136 = 816 orang)
  => komisi yg ditransfer ke rekening Rina = 816 x Rp 10.000 = Rp 8.160.000
Masing2 member level-3 rata2 mendapatkan member 4 orang (disebut member level-4, jumlah = 4 x 816 = 3264 orang)
  => komisi yg ditransfer ke rekening Rina = 3264 x Rp 10.000 = Rp 32.640.000
Masing2 member level-4 rata2 mendapatkan member 3 orang (disebut member level-5, jumlah = 3 x 3264 = 9792 orang)
  => komisi yg ditransfer ke rekening Rina = 9792 x Rp 50.000 = Rp 489.600.000
Jadi, total komisi yg ditransfer ke rekening Rina (setelah 8 bulan gabung):
= 850.000 + 1.360.000 + 8.160.000 + 32.640.000 + 489.600.000
= Rp 532.610.000,-
Bagaimana dana tsb bertubi2 masuk ke rekening kita? Lihat SCAN BUKU TABUNGAN Rina terlampir.
Lumayan banget utk ukuran rina. Uang segitu mungkin udah cukup utk beli rumah and mobil.
Rina yakin kita semua bisa kok mendapatkan income seperti yg Rina dapatkan di atas. Kuncinya sih asal kita rajin aja nyebarin link website replika kita ke teman2 kita, rekan kerja, sodara, ke siapa saja, baik lewat email, milis2, situs2 iklan, dll, kemudian TUNJUKKAN BUKTI SCAN BUKU TABUNGAN para member yg telah sukses di program ini, atau scan buku tabungan anda jika anda sudah mendapatkan income yg lumayan di program ini, biasanya tidak terlalu sulit meyakinkan teman2 kita utk bergabung (scan buku tabungan para member bisa diambil/didownload di menu "Kesaksian" di website diatas, atau bisa juga gunakan scan buku tabungan rina terlampir. Jika anda sudah mendapatkan income lumayan di program ini, anda juga bisa tunjukkan scan buku tabungan anda ke teman2).
Website replika adalah website atas nama kita sendiri yg kita dapatkan secara otomatis setelah keanggotaan kita diaktifkan. Website replika rina adalah:
Setiap transaksi yg terjadi lewat website replika kita, otomatis masuk rekening kita.
Tidak perlu kuatir pengembangan Program Program 5MILYAR ini akan jenuh, karena pertumbuhan pengguna internet di Indonesia yg mencapai 6 juta orang lebih per tahun jauh lebih besar dibanding pertumbuhan peserta program ini. Jadi program ini abadi, tidak akan ada istilah "member terakhir" dalam program ini, karena akan selalu ada 6 juta orang lebih pengguna baru internet tiap tahunnya yg potensial utk jadi member.
RINA PUNYA TRIK2 / TIPS2 JITU agar bisa merekrut banyak member berdasarkan pengalaman rina sendiri, gak banyak orang yg tahu. Rina bisa share jika rekan2 bergabung lewat account rina:
Segera gabung ya..
Sistemnya rina rasa sangat sederhana dan mudah dipahami, informasi lengkap disini (silakan klik atau copy-paste link berikut ke browser anda):
(website replika Rina, sukses123 adalah username Rina)
Mohon disebarkan juga informasi ini ke teman2 kita yg lain yg sedang membutuhkan dana dlm jumlah yg besar.
Rina Profile:
Join jadi member Friendster dulu, bisa lihat album foto Rina
Jika anda tidak punya akses internet di kantor/kampus, silakan copy/tulis link berikut:
kemudian dibuka di rumah/warnet ya..
Untuk gambaran awal, silakan lihat overview program ini terlampir.
Bisa Menguliahkan Anak dan Biaya Berobat Ibu yg Sakit
Dear webmaster program 5 milyar,
Saya ingin berterima kasih sekali kepada anda karena dengan adanya program ini saya betul2 terbantu dalam pemenuhan berbagai kebutuhan dana keluarga saya. Biaya ibu berobat ke rumah sakit, biaya kuliah anak2, dan insya Allah untuk biaya beli rumah yg lebih layak bulan depan (mudah2an).
Awalnya saya kenal program ini, saya mendapat email dari seorang teman (beda kantor). Ada program bisnis bagus nih, katanya. Sistemnya sederhana, gampang dipahami, dan kalo sabar bisa mendapatkan penghasilan lebih dari 5 milyar, tambahnya lagi. Mendengar kata-kata 5 milyar, saya berpikir skeptis, mana mungkin, batin saya, akhirnya saya delete saja email tsb. Sekitar 4 bulan setelah itu, saya mendapatkan email yg sama dari rekan yg berbeda. Dengan semangat menggebu2 di emailnya dia bercerita kalo dalam waktu sebulan dia bergabung, saldo di rekening BNI-nya bertambah lebih dari Rp 100 juta. Saya berpikir, gak mungkin dua orang sahabat baik saya berbohong tentang hal yg sama terhadap saya. Lagi pula gak ada ruginya bergabung, toh cuma 180 ribu saja, itu pun sudah dapat produk berupa program bisnis. Akhirnya, iseng2 saya gabung, tanpa harapan yg berlebihan. Kemudian saya informasikan program ini lewat email, sms, mulut ke mulut, dll ke sekitar 80 orang. Sebagian dari mereka ada y
g saya kenal dan ada juga yg tidak, setelah itu saya lupakan.
Sekitar 3 bulan setelah itu, waktu saya menyetor uang ke bank (jumlahnya sekitar 500 ribu waktu itu), waktu buku tabungan saya di-print saya menunggu lama sekali, teller-nya bilang buku tabungan saya sudah tidak muat lagi dan harus diganti dengan yg baru. Saya kaget, ada apa? Rasanya dalam 3 bulan terakhir saya tidak melakukan transaksi apa2. Begitu saya cek, di kolom kredit isinya 50 ribu dan 10 ribu banyak sekali dan di kolom saldo tercetak angka 160 juta lebih dan jika ditambah dengan buku ke 2 totalnya ada 250 juta sekian. Sontak saya kaget, ini duit begitu banyak dari mana? Setelah berpikir keras dan melihat angka 50 ribu dan 10 ribu baru saya teringat program 5 milyar yg saya pernah gabung dulu karena waktu gabung saya juga mentransfer 50 ribu dan 10 ribu ke beberapa orang.
Aduh maaak, terima kasih Tuhan, terima kasih webmaster. Saya bisa kuliahkan anak dan membantu biaya berobat ibu saya yg sakit dengan dana ini. Setelah itu saya betul2 percaya bahwa program bisnis ini bener2 bekerja. Sejak itu saya mulai aktif mempromosikan program ini ke siapa saja, lewat email, milis, sms, dll. Sekarang hasilnya sudah lebih dari 500 juta masuk ke rekening bank saya. Sekali lagi terima kasih webmaster program 5 milyar.

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Berlin Hotels - Perfect for your City Break

Berlin Hotels - Ideal for your City Break

With an estimated 70,000 hotel rooms (& counting) Berlin has something tailored to suit everybody's needs. Hotels cover the spectrum from wallet-punishing palaces of opulence to cheap (& not so cheerful) hostel beds. The nice news is that hotels in Berlin cost less than in other European cities, while the bad news is that they often get booked-up quickly. We have chosen the best that Berlin has to offer in each cost range:
Luxury hotels: Berlin's most desirable address is arguably the Three Seasons Hotel at 49 Charlotten Strasse . A regular haunt with visiting celebrities & politicians the hotel oozes old-world charm & is famed for its impeccable service. Built in the 1930's The Savoy Hotel is another hot contender for Berlin's hotel crown. The good-looking exterior & elegant interior have provided lodgings for the likes of Thomas Mann, Henry Miller & Greta Garbo. The Hotel Brandenburger Hof is fast becoming something of a Berlin institution thanks to an brilliant restoration job & cosy relatives atmosphere. Berlin's also home to lots of 'design hotels' catering to those who like their luxuries bang up to date. If sleek, airy minimalism is your thing then it is difficult to beat MADISON on Potsdamer Platz.
Mid-range hotels: Berlin has a nice crop of moderately priced hotels, but some stand out over others. The Alexander Plaza Berlin has been a favourite with guidebook writers since it opened its doors in 1997 & offers considerable luxury for a surprisingly modest price-tag. The Hackescher Markt is a welcome addition to Berlin's hotel scene by responding to 21st century needs with distinct charm. Rooms are bright & spacious & the restaurant is worth staying in for.
Cheap hotels: The Hotel Markischer Hof goes a long way to redress the lamentable state of Berlin's B&B scene. The location is great (near bustling Oranienburger Strasse), Rooms are well-appointed & calm & their traditional breakfast will set you up for the day. The Hotel am Anhalter Bahnhof in Kreuzberg proves excellent value for money as long as you are prepared to share a bathroom (in the event you require an en-suite room rates shoot up). Hotel Pension Funk was three times the home to home-grown film talent Asta Nielsen. Today the hotel retains much of its turn-of-the-century charm & features (such as Art Nouveau windows & lavishly decorated ceilings).

+++Berlin Weekend City Breaks - Attractions - Tours & day trips++++++++++++++++++++++++++

The German historian Karl Scheffler once remarked that Berlin is always in the process, and judging by the number of taps that the city's skyline dominate, he hit the nail square on the head. Berlin's turbulent past is well documented, but since unification in October 1990 the city has had much to celebrate. Today Berlin is the country's cultural and economic power and has more than enough to proceed to justify the billing as one of Europe's favorite city breaks.

Although there isn't much of the Berlin Wall remain (although you can still buy pieces as souvenirs), the Checkpoint Charlie museum presents a clear picture of the city's shared past. Meanwhile, the contemporary face of Berlin's United is present that exhibited by Norman Foster's makeover inspired by the Reichstag. The view from the glass dome that now covers Germany's parliament building are certainly impressive, but to really reach the top of the city near the elevator to the top of the 400m Fernsehturm at Alexanderplatz.

Perhaps the only positive effect of the Berlin wall is now twice the amount of galleries and museums like any other European city. In fact, the cultural types are left scratching their heads trying to work out how they will cram all 170 museums in a short city break. Closed to the west have been at the Pergamon Museum beads together a stunning collection of archaeological treasures from Asia Minor, while the Egyptian Museum (in the Charlottenburg Castle) gives the Egyptian Museum in Cairo a good run for its money. More contemporary appetites are catered for in the extensive Kulturforum.

Disneyland Paris Weekend Breaks City

Mickey's almost been in Europe for ten years, but he's already made a big impression. Disneyland Paris has quickly become one of the continent's most talked about destinations and the best thing is that the magic begins just three hours away.

Walk through the gates to Disneyland Paris'and you find yourself in the middle of nostalgia for the early 20th century American cities. Horse-drawn trams and vintage cars rattle the Main Street USA, and Mickey and his pals waiting to greet you.

Regardless of where you are in Disneyland Paris, the town is dominated by Sleeping Beauty's fairy-tale castle. Slender towers and powdered sugar-pink walls offer superb photographic background and helps you maintain focus in each of the five imaginary country. The castle is the centerpiece of architectural fantasy, where the'classic'Disney comes to life. Fantasy is home to the popular Disney'faces, and it's where you'll meet the likes of Dumbo, Peter Pan and Pinocchio. Of course, it'sa big hit with younger children, and it gives parents a chance to establish themselves before their nerves shredded riding in the nearby Adventureland.

Not one for the fainthearted Adventureland delivers adrenaline-soaked romp through some of the more remote corners of the world. From the lush jungles, pristine Caribbean beaches to Adventureland is required to give Indiana Jones in all. Near Frontierland offers realistic slice of the Wild West during the heady days of the Gold Rush. In addition to testing in the Gallery are trying Rustler Roundup Shootin'you can test your steel on the Big Thunder Mountain roller track or relax on the lazy cruise stay. A short walk (but millions of light years) away Discoveryland takes high-tech look to the future through the eye's more of our galaxy's best-loved characters. Expect anything from the form of glacial ice 2000 miles under the sea to leaks intergalactic space race, the Star Wars crew.

And it's only half. In 2002, Mickey got a new neighbor: Walt Disney Studios Park, which takes you on a fascinating in-the-scenes tour of the worlds of animation, film and television. Throw in a seven-themed hotels, three nine-hole golf course (the dads happy), plus an impressive collection of restaurants and's easy to see why Disneyland Paris is Europe's hottest family break.

Lions at Steelers - the first quarter gjennomgang

Lions fans have waited over eight months to see their team back on the field, and it turned out that the PGA Championship could delay the TV coverage. Fortunately, the only thing we missed was the opening kickoff coverage that finally turned over.

Pressure from Kyle Vanden Bosch lead to an incompletion to stop the Steelers' opening drive. The first punt lead to the first miscue when Derrick Williams signaled for a fair catch inside the five yard line. Not the kind of first impression he needed to do.

Jahvid Best showed a quick burst from his second carry, but failed to pick up a first down on short yardage situations in his third consecutive bear to bring the Lions first drive in the preparation phase to an abrupt halt.

Pittsburgh's second drive showed just how improved the Lions defensive line really is. Cliff Avril planted Byron Leftwich to put the Steelers in a different and far and a QB hurry by Kyle Vanden Bosch secured the Steelers would have a chance to pick up a first down. Great victory for the defensive line.

Matthew Stafford got his first interception of the road. Probably a lot of blame to go around as he faced a pass rush down his check came in high and bounced off the hands of Jahvid Best. Defence looked solid again as they kept the Steelers to a field goal. Safety Randy Phillips so good yesterday support.

Jahvid Best rush off the first tackle was a perfect example of the kind of things he brings to the game that Kevin Smith simplay can not. Best turned the corner quite easy for a first down. His spin move in the back field to turn a loss into another first down.

Matthew Stafford looks exactly through the first quarter of play. Quarter ends with the Lions down 3-0, but threatens to put points on the board.

"Good Burger"Movie Del 1 / 10

Kenan Thompson and Kel Mitchell, stars of the popular Nickelodeon series All That, confront the monster of faceless corporate tyranny and have fun doing it in this comedy for young Kenan Thompson and Kel Mitchell, stars of the popular Nickelodeon series All That, confront the monster of faceless corporate tyranny and have fun doing it in this comedy for young people. Ed (Mitchell) is a teenager who lives for his job at Good Burger, a small but friendly neighborhood hamburger stand, while his buddy Dexter (Thompson) also works there, but lack Ed's single-minded devotion to her job - he's there because he accidentally destroyed the car of his teacher Mr. Wheat (Sinbad) and has to raise money to pay compensation. When Mondo Burger, a mammoth fast foot chain, opens across the street, it looks like Good Burger is history, until Ed formulates a secret sauce that brings hundreds of new customers to their door. However, the monomaniacal manager of Mondo Burger, Kurt (Jan Schweiterman), determined to get their hands on the sauce and put Good Burger out of business. Meanwhile, Ed and Dexter rescue Otis (Abe Vigoda), the world's oldest fast food employee from dementia Hills Asylum, and Ed might just find love with Monique (Shar Jackson), if he could take his mind off burgers long enough to pay attention to her. Good Burger also has basketball star Shaquille O'Neal as himself and George Clinton as one of the demented Hills inmates.

Fixed Rate Loan Amortization Schedule with Optional Extra Principal Payments

Using Microsoft Excel to create a fixed rate loan amortization schedule is a very common task: probably just about every skilled Excel user who has ever taken out a mortgage has either created such a schedule him/herself or downloaded one of the hundreds (thousands?) of such schedules available online.

Some of these schedules are somewhat limited, in that they generally:

    * may not allow extra payments to principal (which would retire the loan faster) at all;

    * may allow extra payments, but the extra amount is assumed to be constant and is applied to every scheduled payment;

    * may not allow for a future value, such as for a loan with a "balloon" payment at the end;

    * may be too tightly tied to a paradigm of a 30-year loan with monthly payments, such as is the case with most mortgages originated in the United States; and/or

    * either do not truly round results to appropriate currency intervals (such as nearest cent for the USA), typically relying on number formatting to fix the display at the desired level of precision without affecting the underlying values.

Several years ago I made my own attempt at a loan amortization schedule, available in my VBAExpress article Functions to return a loan amortization schedule in an array.  This example had three of the weaknesses described above:

    * It allowed extra payments, but the extra amount was constant and applied to every scheduled payment.

    * It did not allow for a future value, or "balloon" amount, at the end.

    * It treated the return values as true floating-point values, and did not round the results as appropriate for financial transactions.  For example, it would have returned a payment amount as $877.5715701, typically formatted to $877.57.

After reading mwvisa1's excellent article A Guide to the PMT, FV, IPMT and PPMT Functions, mwvisa1, brettdj, and I had a spirited discussion about how extra payments affect a loan amortization schedule and the components of each payment.  As a result of that discussion, I started tinkering with my old approach to overcome its weaknesses.

For those who simply cannot wait to get their hands dirty, here is a link to the sample file:


reff :

Adware and Spyware have become familiar terms in the lexicon

Do you have adware and / or spyware on your computer? Chances are absolutely outstanding that you do. This may not be a problem, but sometimes it can have catastrophic consequences. Some signs that your computer may be infected are:
1. Your browser looks a little different. The new panels suddenly appeared. Search engine is different. New home page suddenly appeared.
2. Pop-up advertisements that Aren t', associated with the website you are viewing appear with alarming regularity. You click on links that go nowhere. Ads for pornographic web sites are beginning to appear on your computer. Your"new"search engine manufactures web-sites that are not related to the query.
3. Your Windows desktop takes longer to load than it was in the past. This is because many spyware added a Windows start-up procedure and load every time you turn on your computer.
4. Your computer is running slower than usual.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you are probably infected and should take certain actions.

Do you have adware and / or spyware on your computer? Chances are absolutely outstanding that you do. This may not be a problem, but sometimes it can have catastrophic consequences. Some signs that your computer may be infected are:
1. Your browser looks a little different. The new panels suddenly appeared. Search engine is different. New home page suddenly appeared.
2. Pop-up advertisements that Aren t', associated with the website you are viewing appear with alarming regularity. You click on links that go nowhere. Ads for pornographic web sites are beginning to appear on your computer. Your"new"search engine manufactures web-sites that are not related to the query.
3. Your Windows desktop takes longer to load than it was in the past. This is because many spyware added a Windows start-up procedure and load every time you turn on your computer.
4. Your computer is running slower than usual.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you are probably infected and should take certain actions.

Do you have adware and / or spyware on your computer? Chances are absolutely outstanding that you do. This may not be a problem, but sometimes it can have catastrophic consequences. Some signs that your computer may be infected are:
1. Your browser looks a little different. The new panels suddenly appeared. Search engine is different. New home page suddenly appeared.
2. Pop-up advertisements that Aren t', associated with the website you are viewing appear with alarming regularity. You click on links that go nowhere. Ads for pornographic web sites are beginning to appear on your computer. Your"new"search engine manufactures web-sites that are not related to the query.
3. Your Windows desktop takes longer to load than it was in the past. This is because many spyware added a Windows start-up procedure and load every time you turn on your computer.
4. Your computer is running slower than usual.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you are probably infected and should take certain actions.

Internet giant actually sell a domain instead of buying one

We barely finish writing Yahoo still dead pooling another project, Gallery, we get a tip that Yahoo apparently another to save money / plan make the sale of domains in its possession. That is exactly what they did with sold during a live auction last night.

What is really strange but (apart from an Internet giant actually sell a domain instead of buying one), the price at which it sold. is a killer domain name. People like my mother's love nothing more than going online and searching for matches going to win stuff. But how crazy is that Yahoo it just sold for $ 380,000.

Let in some perspective. In February, sold for $ 5,100,000 at an auction. Sure, that's a better area, but no more than 10 times better. And a few weeks ago, sold for $ 3,000,000.

How Yahoo failed to even one million to ensure the name is beyond me. Just poor luck in the auction? This man apparently left, right before the auction began last night is also baffled.

I thought I would really like to know why Yahoo would still sell it in the first place? I know times are tough, but Yahoo is really $ 380k is a lot of help in the long term? Hell no, it would probably be better to keep the domain name and just a load of these ads, perhaps even Google ads. Or, I do not know, carry out some games on Yahoo. People love that stuff on the web, I hear.

What is an audit report contain?

Most audit reports on financial statements give the business a good health condition, or clean opinion. At the other end of the spectrum, the auditor may determine that financial statements are misleading and should not be relied upon. This negative audit report is called a negative opinion. It's big stick that auditors. They have a lot to the company's accounts of the negative opinion and no business wants that. The threat of an adverse opinion almost always motivates auditor business retreat and change their accounting or disclosure, to avoid getting the kiss of death a negative opinion. Adverse audit opinion says that the company financial statements are misleading. SEC does not allow negative opinions by auditors of public companies that would suspend trading in the company's share of stock if the company received an adverse opinion by its auditor CPA.

One change in auditor's message is very serious - if the CPA firm says it has serious doubts about the ability of the company to continue its operations. The firm is a business that has sufficient resources and momentum to continue, it is usual for the foreseeable future and would be able to absorb a bad turn of events without having to meet its obligations. The firm does not face imminent financial crisis or a pressing financial need. Business may be in some financial difficulty, but still considers the duration. Unless the contrary is proved, the CPA auditor assumes that business is a thriving business. If an auditor has serious concerns about whether the business is a going concern, these doubts are explained in the auditor's report.

How is accounting used in business??

It might seem obvious, but in managing a business, it's important to understand how the business makes a profit. A company needs a good business model and a good profit model. A business sells products or services and earns a certain amount of margin on each unit sold. The number of units sold is the sales volume during the reporting period. The business subtracts the amount of fixed expenses for the period, which gives them the operating profit before interest and income tax.

It's important not to confuse profit with cash flow. Profit equals sales revenue minus expenses. A business manager shouldn't assume that sales revenue equals cash inflow and that expenses equal cash outflows. In recording sales revenue, cash or another asset is increased. The asset accounts receivable is increased in recording revenue for sales made on credit. Many expenses are recorded by decreasing an asset other than cash. For example, cost of goods sold is recorded with a decrease to the inventory asset and depreciation expense is recorded with a decrease to the book value of fixed assets. Also, some expenses are recorded with an increase in the accounts payable liability or an increase in the accrued expenses payable liability.

Remember that some budgeting is better than none. Budgeting provides important advantages, like understanding the profit dynamics and the financial structure of the business. It also helps for planning for changes in the upcoming reporting period. Budgeting forces a business manager to focus on the factors that need to be improved to increase profit. A well-designed management profit and loss report provides the essential framework for budgeting profit. It's always a good idea to look ahead to the coming year. If nothing else, at least plug the numbers in your profit report for sales volume, sales prices, product costs and other expense and see how your projected profit looks for the coming year.

Factors that Affect the Air Freight Rate

As with all expenses, air freight rates change all the time. This is because of the fact that many factors affect the pricing of various services and resources used in air freight. Learning about the different factors affecting the air freight rate could help you anticipate changes in the rate. This means that you will be able to maximize the costs of shipping.

What factors affect air freight rates?

1) Demand – demand affects the prices of everything. The more that people want to obtain a certain service, the higher the cost is going to be. This is the basic principle of economics. When the demand for certain shipping services rises, the air freight rates rise with it.

Demand determines the willingness of a company to part with its product. Demand determines the price because hey, if people are willing to pay more for your product, then you would be willing to sell it at the highest possible price, right?

2) The containers – the shipping containers, also known as the Unit Load Devices are designed to protect your cargo from the damages caused by the journey. Different items require different containers. If you are looking for a special container to protect your items, it could add a bit more to your air freight rate than what you anticipate.

The containers used in an air freight service are usually suited to different types of cargo. This means that the type of item you are shipping will affect the air freight rates. If you want to include additional security measures to protect your cargo, then you would have to pay more money. This is often applicable if you are shipping pets, livestock, or works of art.

3) Manpower – the amount and specialization of people required to ship your products will also affect the air freight rate. This means that the type of service you require will change the air freight rate. Do you wish your items to be handled by experts who will take care of your items, then you might need to add some cash in order to cover the additional manpower.

Manpower also includes the various people who will handle the paperwork of your cargo. Obviously, it will take the expertise of more than one person to make sure that your cargo remains as safe as possible.

4) Speed – this factor is second only to demand on its effects on the air freight rate. It is often the case that companies have different air freight rates based on the speed by which they can deliver your items. There are companies which offer faster delivery services for additional charges. There are companies who can deliver your items in one day, and some companies can even deliver your goods within a few hours.  The speed of delivery is very important because it is often the case that customers stick with an air freight service because of the speed by which they can get the job done.

Of course, there are many more factors that affect the air freight rates charged by various companies. These main factors, however, should prove to be enough information in order to help you save a lot of cash. When you study these factors, you would be able to budget your money easier and thus, maximize your resources. This means that you can ship more goods at lower air freight rates.

Acne is often viewed as a teenage dilemma

Acne is often viewed as a teenage dilemma, and although it is true that acne usually occurs during puberty, it is probably also true that there are a growing number of people who suffer from acne.

Adults in their twenties to fifty years experience acne flare-ups. And adult acne can have just as many negative effects on a person as teenage acne. Perhaps even more so that the burden of work and family to add the burden of living with a nasty skin problem.

Mental stress can be one of the main causes of acne in adults. It is no surprise in the least that women are more often suffer from acne than men, as has been seen that women have more stress in their lives, not to mention today that they are susceptible to hormonal imbalances are particularly at a time such as menstrual cycle and pregnancy. Just like teenagers in Hormones play an important role in the aggravation of acne and start.

The environmental factors that surround a person may be placed with the individual's lifestyle also play an important role in the appearance of adult acne. Poor diet or behavior such as smoking and drinking on the skin's condition and resistance to acne and other diseases.

Prevention is the only obvious way to go to deal with adult acne. A proper diet, along with plenty of water and the rest a good start. The attempt to reduce stress and maintain proper care and hygiene can also help prevent acne occurs.

But what about the pimples you already have? There are many treatments for people who have adult acne.

Anti-acne medications, certain skin care products and even laser surgery are just some of the many available treatments for acne on the market today. Visit a qualified doctor or dermatologist, the only way to find out how severe acne really is and can be found on the right side of trees, is intended for disposal.

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